Precious Moments

Our trip was filled with many happy memories. We all enjoyed a stop at the St. Louis zoo.


“Will you rest upon my little bed?” said the spider to the fly.


Lance wasn’t so sure about the carousel – didn’t laugh, didn’t cry, just rode.


We all loved the penguins!

And while the kids merely tolerated the car ride, they loved the breaks!


Wrestling match during a lunch break.

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Posing with Aunt Stacie in TN                             Sacked out after a hike.


Stacie and I saw a billboard advertising the Precious Moments museum, so on a whim we persuaded Brian to stop and see what it was all about. There were some beautiful Bible paintings and there were many larger-than-life replicas of the dolls.

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Precious Moments – How could life with these two cuties be any different?

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