You are browsing the archive for 2009.
Old timey days
Due to beautiful weather, we decided to take the kids on a field trip to the Log Cabin village. (or maybe it was mommy who wanted to go). Either way, we all had a grand time. After the last post you can only guess how many pictures it took to get this shot. […]
The progression of a picture
The other day we tried to get a cute photo of the kids together: For being so photogenic, Lance is sure hard to photograph! And then, just as Lance settles down, Ivy decides she’s done. Maybe sitting down….ah yes, nice shot of the siblings. Are we done yet? Moral: Have a fast camera […]
Now that you have been fully informed on the details of our wonderful vacation, it’s time to give a little update on the kids. As of yesterday, Lance (19 1/2 mo) weighs 19 lbs, has 8 teeth and wears underwear all the time now. Ivy (4 mo) weighs 16 lbs, has rolled over once and […]
Trail of Tears
(or how I got a scholarship) Many, many moons ago, white man come to Indian territory. Ug. He come with squaw. Him see land, it good. White man build wigwam, say land his now. Him tell Indian, “no come back”. Ummm. Braves fight. Ug. Many go to happy hunting ground. Squaw say wait, no more […]
Precious Moments
Our trip was filled with many happy memories. We all enjoyed a stop at the St. Louis zoo. “Will you rest upon my little bed?” said the spider to the fly. Lance wasn’t so sure about the carousel – didn’t laugh, didn’t cry, just rode. We all loved the penguins! And while the kids merely […]