A trip to the Zoo!

Taking advantage of half price Wednesdays, several friends and I met at the zoo.

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Here are most of the kids (minus one who didn’t want his picture taken) posing on the baby elephant. At the giraffe exhibit Lance and Ivy were more interested in the huge goldfish close at hand. We also stopped by the monkeys first thing – Lance has an obsession with them and had a good time watching them play around. We even got to see a baby chimp.

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I know this is a bad shot of the white tigers but we got quite a show from them and I was too busy watching to take any of the action. Apparently these two didn’t like each other this particular day and after some baring of teeth and some heart thrilling passes at the glass, these two had a full blown fight, up on their hind legs clawing at one another. You should have heard the crowd. Quite impressive.


Next stop – the bird feeding cage. Lance and Ivy both enjoyed having the birds close enough to touch, and feeding them was even more fun.


Well, if the birds like it, it must be good. Right?


Our friends had to leave after lunch so we explored the barn area on our own. The favorite here was all the little flaps you could lift – how fun!


The last stop was the reptile house. The snakes failed to hold their interest but the big turtle tanks were fascinating! One big turtle swam straight at the glass near Lance and it made him a bit nervous.


Ivy was very sleepy by this time but there was so much to see she kept fighting it off.


Here’s a Komodo dragon for my brother Brian – he did a report on these years ago. This fellow is huge, at least 5 foot long and that’s only half as big as they can get! Scary creature to ever come across!


By 2:00pm we’d seen enough. Nap time was calling and we all went home. Such a fun day!

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