Playtime with Flora

We’ve been cooped up in the house due to cold weather and illness for the past 2 1/2 weeks. Inspired by an email from my sister I decided to have a little fun with Flora:

Taking care of Baby: A 2 part series


Rub-a-dub Tub


Rock-a-bye Baby

Animal adventures: A 4 part series


Little Ladybug


Bee-youtiful maiden


Surprised by a bee!


Wave rider



Teen Dreams

7 responses to “Playtime with Flora”

  1. Lori

    These are cute! If I had done teen dreams, we probably would have had a real piece of pizza from the fridge. Apparently it’s a staple at our house 🙂 That NGJ magazine does look like a teen magazine. I can’t imagine there’s anything it’s further from.

  2. Emma

    That is so creative and fun!

  3. Alicia Jones

    So much fun! So cute! I love Flora’s smile in Little Ladybug. We’re cooped up here, too. Hope you feel better soon!

  4. Anne

    Great pictures, we’re really enjoying them.
    I love the dolphin shot – so amazing!

  5. jennifer

    these are soooo cute love the poses

  6. Bethany

    awww, amy, these pictures are so cute! 😀

  7. gabrielle

    these are so cute and you’re so creative!

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