Scary Dinosaurs!!!


An Easter Egg kit in the sale bin inspired the theme for last week. IMG_6207

We joined with some friends and made dinosaur eggs!


That night we ate them along with dino shaped pancakes (hey, pancakes were a hit last time, thought we should try it again!)


One day we watched a dinosaur movie. Trouble was, it was so interesting that I ended up watching it instead of getting stuff done while the kids were occupied.


Our big event was going to the zoo where they had a traveling dinosaur exhibit. We took some friends with us and had a good time despite the 100 degree weather.


We watched a live “dinosaur” swim at the reptile house.


Lance loved seeing all the “real” dinosaurs! How exciting!!


Ivy on the other hand, wasn’t so sure. She refused to look at the T-Rex and some of the others only got a side long glance.


By the very end she worked up enough courage to pose with one.

Our final activity was making “dinosaur feet” out of paper lunch sacks. These were a big hit. Too bad I did it so close to bed time.


Coming this week: Pirate Camp!!!

2 responses to “Scary Dinosaurs!!!”

  1. Jack Paslay

    Loved that look on Ivy’s face. It said it all. Bet the kids slept well after that workout if you ever got them asleep.

  2. Alicia Jones

    How fun. I love the look on Ivy’s face when she looks a bit unsure of things. 😉

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