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Music Class

Music Class

A friend gave me some materials for a music class so I took the plunge and started it up this week. There were four moms (including me) and 8 kids (with baby Flora). We did songs about chores around the house and learned about high and low sounds. Here we are “dusting” with our rags. […]



Hunting eggs at my parents house – the kids loved it! They had so much fun we hid eggs 5-6 times! Reaching way up high! Telling the cat he found it first See my eggs? Hooray! Flora liked the basket…. …cousin Jenny enjoyed the eggs. At the end Ivy wound up on the trampoline and […]



Lance: Near Daddy’s work – such a handsome fellow! I want you!   My little man. Ivy:   Nature girl Sisters She lights up my life! Flora:   Sleeping beauty Adorable baby     Such a joyful smile! The “twins” May I have this dance? A friend loves at all times… Always there for each other. […]

The price of separation

The price of separation

Last night Brian and I needed some room to think so Brian “banished” the kids to their room and put up the baby gate. To deal with the emotional trauma of being thus distanced from the adults, Lance and Ivy made up a game: Throw everything that can be moved over the gate. I kept […]


If you need a smile today….

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