A wall raising experience!

Many hands are needed for putting up walls, so we held a “barn raising” day. All the men related to the Jones side of the family came to help along with a few friends.

house 589

On the morning of the big day – Lance is ready to start work!

house 579

Flora is delighted with the color of the studs – pink!!


house 709

The plans are consulted and Michael marks where each board goes.

house 665

X marks the spot! For a stud that is. C K shows the edge of a window, calling for a special configuration of boards called a cripple and king stud.

house 647

I was taught how to put these together along with corners and “T” posts.

house 654

Lori grabs a ready made “T” out of the stack.

house 663

The studs were laid out where called for…

house 732

…and the top plate was nailed on.


Then it’s all hands on deck to raise the wall.


Up, up and away!

house 683

Then we all hold it steady until the wall and supports are nailed in place. This process was then repeated for the rest of the day.

Other aspects of the job:

 house 725


house 712

Crowd control.

house 715


house 716

Cooler breaks.

house 730

More consulting.

house 746

Dirt work.

house 741 

By the end of the day, our house was really taking shape!

5 responses to “A wall raising experience!”

  1. jennifer parsons

    awesome looking, can’t wait to see it finished

  2. Carol

    At least when it’s done, if/when something goes wrong, you’ll know where to start looking and know how it was made. We’ve got a leak of some kind from the 2nd floor bathroom through the ceiling in the den. Therefore, we’ve got to cut the ceiling out to find it. Hopefully that can wait until sometime in January. Great hard work all of you are putting in.

  3. Anne

    Good memories!

  4. Lori

    I love the bucket head 🙂

  5. Jack Paslay

    It’s like putting a jigsaw puzzle together.

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