My little helpers.

We recently made a few changes and set up a schedule of sorts which has the kids helping me with chores instead of me trying to do them all. It started a bit slow at first, but after a week I had four little buddies at my side; not only through breakfast clean up and barn chores, but anything else I did after that!

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We spent several mornings in the garden. I cleared back the grass that was trying to take over while Eden watered the plants.

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Ivy and Flora love weaving through the tomato bushes in search of ripe tomatoes. Only one green one has been picked so far. Lance still has a fascination for seeds and has harvested some zinnia seeds that we replanted in our garden. Ivy also took the initiative to harvest our carrot crop.

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After watching the big kids “cheese” for a picture, Eden wanted one too. As you can see, gardening is sweaty, dirt work.

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One morning we washed the car together and then rewarded ourselves with a swim.

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Since everyone was wet and hungry they enjoyed a picnic in the garage.

The picnic was finished off with popsicles and then the garage floor needed to be washed down. This was quite the fun job in their estimation!

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Eden wants to help with the firewood. Maybe wait until winter, little 177

Lance and Ivy are getting big enough to be good helpers on projects with Daddy too. It’s so much fun to have them work along side…even if they eventually opt out and make mud pies instead.

3 responses to “My little helpers.”

  1. Lori

    By giving the tomato to Flora, it looks extra big!

  2. Bekah Krause

    your kids are so cute! I love reading about ur adventures with them. It also gives me ideas of things to try/do with my own lil’ ppl.

  3. Jack Paslay

    Your making work fun is a good idea.

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