Here’s a few fun things we have experienced recently!
Big Event – about 15 college students came and helped us move dirt, clear garden space and split wood. The kids kept them well entertained at lunch and the big guy on the left was Eden’s special buddy the whole time.
Livestock show: Cousin Connor was showing his meat chickens so we went to watch and experience the atmosphere.
We observed the cows
Said hi to the pigs and watched them get a bath…
And played in the sheep and goat scale. You can squeeze 6 kids in at once!
On Easter, we went to my parents church and enjoyed some beautiful music. Then everyone went out to watch a helicopter drop Easter eggs.
Here they come!
The actual hunt was a mob scene but that didn’t seem to bother the kids. The fact that they got to wear their most beautiful dresses that morning was an added bonus to the day. Afterwards we enjoyed lunch with my parents.
AWANA drive in movie night. Were given a cardboard box and told to create a car. Lance wanted a fast car with fire, found a picture online and we copied it. Ivy had a host of ideas and things changed as we went along until we ended with a sort of camper. Her car was awarded the title “prettiest orange car” while Lance got “coolest hot rod” – which in my thoughts is sort of an oxymoron.
New grass planting requires watering – a perfect spot for fun on a warm afternoon.
April showers bring…..muddy children! These two have some incredible leg muscles; they played in the squat position for over half an hour! Mom and Dad read a book while watching from the garage.
And this is what the big kids enjoyed during that time. This came after a walk where we saw the neighbors enjoying water on a trampoline and that made everyone “so hot” that we had to do the same!
I love your posts. They make my day.
Great summary of recent events. Love the sprinkler picture.
I’ve never seen an egg-drop like that. Cool.
The trampoline water jump reminds me of when we were little…