One girl, two birthdays!


In March, we were privileged to celebrate the 6th birthday of our Eden girl!

Since we were currently reading the American Girl books for “Molly” we had a party with our co-op group on that theme. The cake is like the one Molly had in the book.

We played some of the classic school yard games like Red Rover and Statues.


Molly also enjoyed roller skating, and in one book shared the fun with a friend by each using one while pretending to walk a dogĀ  with a jump rope. We tried out roller skating which is harder than it looks! The weather was beautiful and we had a lot of fun.

About two weeks later we joyfully celebrated a new birth day for Eden as she was born again into the family of God!

Her earthly family gathered (including many of the cousins!) to witness her baptism.

She affirmed her desire to be a part of God’s family, confessing with her mouth the Lord Jesus whom she believed was raised from the dead.



Brian baptized her. (note: she wanted to wear the same dress that Ivy and Flora had been baptized in a year and two years previously)


Behold, a new sister in Christ! She has been interested in being a part of God’s family (as she puts it) since the time of Lance and Flora’s baptism but we had waited, unsure if it was a sincere desire or just an imitating of the older ones. She has mentioned it off and on throughout the last year but I’ve always just waited for her to push the issue. Our Bible study this year was on Revelation and as we went over the lesson on Jesus reaping the harvest she again expressed her desire to be part of God’s family. Brian happened to be working from home that day so the two of us were able to talk with her and walk with her through understanding exactly what that meant. What a neat moment. I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity that our Bible study has provided for a chance to daily disciple our children and discuss the things of God.



And of course, as with our other birthday celebrations, refreshments and games with cousins followed.

We baptized her Easter weekend – what a glorious way to celebrate the death and resurrection of Christ!


2 responses to “One girl, two birthdays!”

  1. anne jones

    She is such a blessing!

  2. Laura Cahill

    Happy Birthday Eden and welcome to God’s family!

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