My Midwives

Yesterday I had a midwife appointment and everyone was there to see little Lance. They said that he was special because he had the whole birth center praying for him and everyone was asking for updates on how things were going.

This is everyone that helped with the birth:

Heidi, Me (I guess I helped), Lance (he didn’t help much), Kelsey, Sorani and Lisa

Here’s Kelsey my main midwife and Sorani who was the “over seer.” These two were great fun and a big blessing. Lance and I owe a lot to their skill and ability to handle anything that comes up. Since Kelsey is in training, we had hoped to give her a good experience and boy did we ever! After a pregnancy that was almost textbook classic, we piled a lot of “experience” into a few short weeks giving not only her but everyone more than they ever wanted to see. We’re all glad that in the end, everyone was fine.

As for the rest of the check up – I’m doing well and have the go ahead to start toning up the abs. I also jumped on the scale and was happy to be back at my pre-pregnancy weight (I should start a business, lose 20 pounds in 20 days!) Lance was foot-printed, though he protested, and got a little heel prick for the PKU test which he protested even more! Over all though, he was properly admired and adored by everyone and behaved himself rather decently.

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