A day in the life of Lance

So what does Lance do all day? Plenty! He is one busy boy as you will see from this photo essay.

Start off the morning with some exercise! Bible reading and prayer time for daddy follow.

Diaper changes are made fun with pictures to look at. Lace smiles and talks to the checkerboard more than his own mom!

Going for a walk often ends up as nap time – though all the bumps keep his hands in a perpetual startle position.

“Play-by-myself” time has become lots of fun with the addition of play mat from his cousins. Lance loves to look in the mirror and made his first “talking” noises the night we set it up for him.

Another nap time is prefaced with reading about bunnies – a highly fascinating book.

Some days we visit the nursing home across the street – Lance is real popular with the ladies!

Best of all is getting to play with daddy when he comes home! Then mommy puts me in the boppy while she makes supper.

By the end of the day I’m quite worn out! Most of the time I go straight to bed without a fuss.

Life is Good!

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