Family Vacation!
In May we took a family trip to Corpus Christi as the culmination of our school studies in ocean science and explorers that sailed the high seas. First stop was the USS Lexington – a WWII aircraft carrier. We tried out life aboard a ship – suddenly their rooms at home seemed a lot bigger! […]
Happy Birthday Ryder!
One year ago a little package arrived with no clue what lie ahead. He joined a band of brothers…. ….and watched while he grew. And grow he did! From learning to play, To crawling To walking!! Whether part of the larger group or just along for the ride Ryder came into his personality. And a […]
Easter week activities
With the coming celebration on the Resurrection, we took time this week to do some activities with the kids each day. Palm Sunday: Brian’s mom had given us these nifty little “magic pencil” coloring books on the Easter story so we did those with each day’s story. It was hard to keep them from coloring […]
Obstacle course
Lance’s 11th birthday is upon us! It is becoming apparent that he enjoys a good physical challenge. Last year it was nerf war games and this time around an obstacle course! He also asked to design his own cake again. Ivy baked it and he set the figures – looks like this mom is almost out […]