By amy on July 12, 2010
I know it’s a little late, but really, you can’t write about something until after it’s happened – right?
Lance and cousin Connor get a head start on the celebrations with some poppers and sparklers. Lance kept saying “more, fire, works?”
On Saturday I read about a free fun run offered Sunday morning so Brian and I got up early and ran. It was refreshing to get out and do something random and on a whim. I think we did about three miles. Now I’ve been in a run of some sort for each pregnancy. (note, the t-shirt I’m wearing is from the run we did when I was pregnant with Lance).
Here are the Cahill cousins after church – all patriotic.
That evening we joined the festivities at the George Bush Library. The kids liked finding clues in the dog houses.
It was warm but not too bad. At one point we thought it would rain. The kids enjoyed picnicking on the grounds – BBQ, fruit and gatorade!
We had to check out the fire trucks – of course!
As the sky darkened we watched a “balloon glow” – very pretty.
The kiddos barely stayed awake until the fireworks show started at 9:50. A live orchestra was playing march music so that helped a bit. However, once the show started Lance was in awe. He kept saying “wow” and woo-hoo”, totally amazed. He was so impacted that he didn’t fall asleep until we got all the way home at 11:30 that night!
Posted in Family News
By amy on July 9, 2010
Little people for one.
We got a package yesterday and while the kids could care less what came in it, the box and packing materials have offered many small joys.
Nothing like a little “high” diving.
Lance discovered the joys of bubble wrap this afternoon.
And even the cardboard offered fun times, a lot of looks and a free meal. I would never have worn my pj’s in public if it weren’t for Chick Fil A.
I spent all afternoon coming up with these costumes for Cow Appreciation Day. In all, I think I spent more time earning a free meal than it would have taken me to just prepare a meal at the house. However, we wouldn’t have had nearly as much fun.
Posted in Family News
By amy on July 1, 2010
Little Ivy is quick to pick up on the feminine side of life.
She loves to go “shopping” – putting items in a bag and dragging them around the house.
She has a hard time deciding what to wear.
She loves her “baby”, will give it hugs and likes to hold it while she sleeps.
She can even slide gracefully.
But most of all, she has a thing for chocolate!
Posted in Family News
By amy on June 30, 2010
A true, Texas, crash-bang-boom thunderstorm rolled through our town on Monday.
Lance and I watched the rain pour down and talked about the very loud thunder, some of which sounded like it went off right above our heads!
After some particularly loud thunder I went to see if Ivy had woke up from her nap. Lance was still watching the rain through a window when suddenly the lights went out – he came shooting out of the room in search for me. He was very brave later and held the flashlight so we could see.
Since we had no lights we played on the porch, watching the rain and enjoying some water too.
When the storm abated we went out puddle stomping and found the king of puddles in the volleyball court!
Ivy discovered that water can hide uneven terrain. Lance found that rocks can only be thrown once but wood chips can be thrown and retrieved multiple times.
When everyone was cold we trooped inside for dry clothes then read books by the light of the window until Daddy came home. Having no electricity to cook, we went and got some pizza then crashed at a friend’s house until our lights came back on. What an adventure!
It rained a lot the next day, keeping us inside so mommy broke out the jumper for entertainment. I put Ivy in first and Lance kept saying “all done, Ivy?’” until I put him in. Lance liked it so much that he jumped until he fell asleep. I think I like that toy.
Posted in Family News
By amy on June 28, 2010
Naptime is a sacred ritual. Through this ceremony we appease the gods of whine and cry. Without, we suffer terrible disasters like a torrential rain of tears, floods of toys, whirlwinds of sleep deprived hyper activity and volcanic meltdowns.
Each young worshipper develops their own style of homage but in general one must lie still with closed eyes for an extended period of time.
Rituals must be performed around the same time each day or the gods may strike when you least expect.
This devotee missed her morning “prayers” and was taken suddenly in the middle of lunch.
Even those in high favor who maintain their well being with one time of devotion must be careful not to take their liberty lightly. Here he was struck down suddenly while playing on the way to the potty.
Luckily, for those who have gone astray, the gods can be appeased with gifts…and a cheerful smile.
Posted in Family News