
 Last night as we were going to a Christmas eve party God gave me a song. It started out one way, but ended up taking a whole different tack as I wrote it out. After having been at college with my two sisters I still tend to think of us in threes so it has been a common theme and this will be no exception. I thought about the gift that each of us posses and how we can give that gift to others. Try to guess which verse fits which girl. Merry Christmas!

We college girls are 3 in sum,

Bearing gifts, to home we’ve come,

These bestowing, seeds we’re sowing, while

Worshiping God’s dear Son.

Chorus: God of wonder, God of might,

God of royal beauty bright.

Hearts we give, now help us live,

Guide us with Thy perfect light.

Love received, I give to all,

In this way I follow God’s call.

Causing me to worship Him while

At His feet I fall.

Joy I have to give delight,

Spreading fragrance though the night.

Coming from a broken spirit,

Incense rising to the heights.

Peace to set around the room,

Ceasing strife, dispelling gloom.

Coming from my Savior’s presence, I

Pray His return is soon.

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