
I had to write this up as an assignment and thought it might be fun to post it. I also have to write a 500 word essay, but that would too long, so I’ll spare you.

Two reasons I like Flint J

1. Snow

2. Fall leaves

Ten reasons I like being on site at Verity

1. Mr. Shoemaker

2. Mr. Schrader

3. The Coppersmiths

4. Kim, Beth and the kitchen staff

5. Schrader and Coppersmith kids

6. Student body

7. Chapel

8. Service hour

9. Mice

10. Bigger room


My professional goals

In the next five years my goal is to be married.

In the next ten years my goal is to have several children and be raising them to serve the Lord.

In the next twenty years I would like to see my family have ministry to the unsaved.

The overriding profession is outlined to me by Acts 20:24 – my life verse. That always and in everything, and wherever I am, I would testify the gospel of the grace of God.

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