October 2005

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Today we had the Lord’s supper at church so we taught our girls Sunday school class about it. The girls didn’t realize that the Lord’s supper was really the Passover feast or even that the Passover feast came from the Exodus. After showing them some of the background and stuff, we broke up and examined […]


Well, yesterday Stacie took her very last test, she is done! From September last year to October of this year she has diligently worked and as soon as this tet score is registered she will be the possesor of 120 college credits. Way to go Stacie, the Lord as blessed your diligence.


We got our election ballots in the mail. We voted for God’s definition of marriage. We sent them off in the mail. I love democracy. Get out there and vote people!


Today we went to Detroit to teach the girls Sunday school class, then on to the Henry Ford Museum to see Greenfield village. The class went really well as we studied the command, Follow Me. We arrived (after many turns and “detours”) and breezed in on our memberships.     We had read that there would […]


Wow, the Harvest Fest went so well! The weather was beautiful, the costumes were….interesting, and of the food came out wonderful. The first was God’s doing, the second, well some of those had to be a group effort, and the last only came about through the help of some wonderful people who showed up in […]

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