Fellowship, it relieves the mind, fills the heart and feeds the soul;
it also reduces you to sitting on the floor and playing “get to know
you” games. (this happened rather late, after we had played ourselves –
or at least R.J. – to exhaustion) R.J. must have been really tired but I
liked his answers the best:
My favorite color is clear, because it goes with everything
I’m from Kansas and the best thing about the state is, that I am there.
Other good responses were:
I like white because it is a reflection of all the colors at once; it’s having all of them as your favorite – Stacie
I’m from D.C. and I like it because it’s not a state – J.P.
I like blue, teal blue, because…I don’t have any clothes that color – Emily
I like blue paint and orange marmalade mixed together – Cameron
Yep, I think it was pretty late.
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