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Saturday was a wonderful day of just being with the family. It was especially encouraging to see God’s working and maturing in my brother’s lives. We played street hockey in our driveway for several hours that morning. The boys had worked out an ingenious system to best utilize the amount of space that we had. […]


Home is good 🙂 A nice side benefit is xanga accessible internet, hence the post. I’m just back for the weekend, a quick visit before I have to go back to Big Sandy and finish the last two weeks of STEP. Things just worked out where my responsibilities could be covered and I could get […]


Why am I posting at such an hour? I’m taking advantage of the wireless connection that I have taken for granted. This will be my last opportunity to use such a connection for a while. Later on this morning – hopefully after I’ve slept a bit – I will be headed back to the land […]


Here are the words to the paraody that we song last night. Feel free to copy and paste or whatever you want to do, I’m not registered for any copyright – at least not yet 🙂 If someday it may happen that a class must graduate, I’ve got a little list, I’ve got a little […]


What a great night! It was like the years highlights in review and a chance to show what Verity had taught us. Thanks to my group for their work and James on the piano, ya’ll were awesome! I was also impressed with Josh and Ryan and the songs they put together, it is beyond me […]

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