February 2006

You are browsing the archive for February 2006.


Boy am I tired! I started training this week for the triathlon and today I rode a ten mile bike then jogged/walked around a mile and a half with a new trainee. Then I painted for seven hours, then played basketball and knock-out for about an hour. I think I’ going to go to bed. […]


I had a neat job offer, one that included overseas travel, but I’ve turned it down. Living with God is an adventure in faith.


Today is Brian’s birthday – the bestest brother you could ever have.  Go to his site and wish him a happy one. He’s got a fun day planned and a few of us hope to make it funner (I know that’s not a word but it fits). He likes chocolate chip cookies.


Currently Watching Beyond the Gates of Splendor see related


I can’t decide what to write. I have to equally important and interesting bits to post; one about my interview yesterday and one about Jeremy. So, I will follow the recency/primacy rule and tell you what happened this afternoon. Read and know that vengeance is mine saith the Lord I will repay. Today, yes just […]

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