
Hi everyone! I’m sacrificing a volleyball game to post this but I promised some of my Romanian friends that I would post their picture on my blog before Monday. These girls are from a high school in Marghita where we spent an awesome four days.

Okay, that’s all the pictures for now, they take a while to download and I can’t figure out how to make them any smaller (half the commands are in Romanian). Today was awesome! We had breakfast, visited two different Mayors and took about 15 Romanian friends to the mountains with us where we had an incredible lunch and then went skiing and had a snowball fight (I got R.J. really good  ). I have been a little sick and had to rest yesterday afternoon but I’m feeling better today (if wearing wet clothes in the snow doesn’t set me back). The weather has been good, the conversations and friendships made have all been totally worth it. The Romanian food and hospitality are incredible – we are constantly amazed and overwhelmed. I thank God for the fact that we are here and I look forward to each new day and the things it will bring, even though it means we are one day closer to leaving.

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