
I’m happy to say that Brian is on the mend! He took today off from work ( ) to try and get some food back into his system. I tried to accommodate him as well as I could by making homemade chicken noodle soup – works every time. Next I got him outside in the fresh air (and aired out our apartment too) as we biked into Big Sandy to mail the thank you notes I had finished.
As his health returned our roles began to switch and he started taking care of me. On arriving back at the apartment I said playfully that I didn’t feel like going back in there yet so he took me on a long walk to some areas of campus I had not seen before. After successfully curing his girl of cabin fever he then indulged a craving that had been growing in me all day long – I wanted something sweet, like ice cream or brownies. After supper we went to get a few things for his computer project at the house then found a brownie that really hit the spot. Ahh, all is good now.

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