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We woke up Thursday morning to snow! We drove to Norwhich mines to go rappelling – in the snow??? Oh yes, it can be done, as Brian proved to me. First came a long haul up the mountain with all our gear. The climb was steep and slippery, made even more difficult because you couldn’t […]


Back again: You know, lucky for all of you xanga fans, I’m married to a computer guy so if there’s internet out there, he’ll find it. Accordingly, I have another post for your enjoyment! We “celebrated” halloween by eating at Wolf’s Lodge and posed with this witch! Later that day we arrived at our destination […]


This is a report from the new Mrs. Cahill: So far so good! First stop was a cute bed and breakfast in Madisonville. Sunday morning we traveled to the Cahill house to pick up “supplies” and wash the car. Supplies include a lot of food, and my rappelling rope! Still don;’t know where we’re going […]


Did my three miles today – kind of tough, I don’t know why. My knee was a little stiff afterwards so I iced it. I ran a few errands – I think everything is pretty much done.             ************************************************************ New Flash!!!!   Brian came home today! Not my Brian, but my Brian. Okay, that’s confusing. […]


You can’t keep a good woman down – I jogged my four miles this afternoon, memorizing my vow at the same time. Oh, and for all of you praying, look at the weather forecast:

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