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To answer the comments from the last post:   No, Brian is not a mall-shopper; he hasn’t been clothes shopping in the last three years! We were looking for a specific color of polo shirt and I thought it would be a lot easier to find than that. I mean, we wanted Aggie Maroon for […]


Well, Brian and I ran five miles in honor of five days left. Tonight I’m going to play soccer! My last game Tomorrow I’ll be running four miles…. Brian and I had a town day today: I voted (early voting because I’ll be…unavailible) Then we went to three different stores and almost the entire mall […]


Just one week until the big day!!!!! In honor of this fact I ran seven miles today. Brian comes this afternoon! What am I going to do to pass the time? Waiting is so hard.


This post is in honor of my dad. He has done quite a bit but somehow it never makes it onto xanga news. We’ve posted many pictures of our house in chaos due to the flooding/re-carpeting episode but lest you think that our house is forever destroyed, I’m here to tell you what a good […]


Ten days and counting….

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