May 2007

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Our Garden is growing!!! Just in the last few days great changes have come over everything. Flowers have turned into beans; Green tomatoes are turning red;   Peppers are getting bigger, and we’ve proudly staked our claim on this plot of earth. This is our garden!!!


STEP has started.   My first interaction with the girls came Sunday night with a little “fashion show”. This was an impromptu deal I got to head up in an effort to help the girls understand what their clothes can do to guys. I had the leaders find something in their wardrobe (or borrow from […]


Brian left this morning for a week long deployment I’ll miss him.


Brian has received several awards this week so I thought it proper to inform the world of his accomplishments. The first thing came in the mail – his diploma from college! He worked off and on for seven weeks compiling all the training and testing he had done since high school and sent it in […]


A whole lot has been happening recently so I’ll try to catch up a little. Monday evening Brian, Lori, Kevin and I went to hear the year end performance of the Longview Area Youth Symphony Orchestra. Mrs. Cahill plays viola, Benjamin is the principle second violin and Daniel is the Concertmaster! (that’s Daniel standing up) […]

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