

Good rains have made everything nice and lush.
The tomatoes made a dump a week or so ago, blessing us with over 50 in
a several day period. Now the cucumbers are coming off the vines in
dozens – literally! We picked 20 of them yesterday and I’m afraid to go
and look today.
Our eyes have now turned to the corn – due to come off in around a week. As I estimate, there’s at least 60 ears out there. Brian enjoys pulling the few weeds that make it past our mulch barrier – he likes to keep everything spick and span.
Now, what to do with all of our blessings? Give some away, but also save things for later. Tuesday evening I made salsa and canned it along with some whole tomatoes. Bekah and Sam were over today and we made pickles out of an amazing amount of cucumbers. Everything went well and now we have food for the winter.

                         The finished products!

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