July 2007
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An intruder discovered! I’ve been noticing some severe damage on my tomato plants and decided to investigate. I thought it looked like caterpillars and starting hunting around on the bush for them. They were caterpillars alright – big, nasty, green ones! I looked them up on the internet and it said they were tobacco hornworms […]
Today I had spaghetti and waffles for lunch – I love being home by myself
Yesterday we went sailing with a friend from Church. He’s sailed a lot in the past 3 years but has only owned this sailboat for the last 6 weeks. It’s a catamaran, meaning it has two pontoons instead of one keel. We helped him rig it up and then took off onto lake Palestine. […]
Okay, a little explanation on my sudden trip! I went to Mt. Hermon, CA to visit my sister-in-law, Kim. Kim works as a kitchen manager at Mt. Hermon, a Christian conference center settled on the side of a mountain in the middle of towering redwoods – gorgeous! We walked every day (sometimes twice a […]
Hey folks, I’m headed to California! I’ll be there until Thursday. Please pray for me while I’m there and for Brian as he holds down the fort.