August 2007

You are browsing the archive for August 2007.


Well, I guess I should get one of those pregnancy tickers – the whole thing seems a lot more official in my mind now. I had my doctors appointment yesterday; they drew blood for testing, checked my general health, made sure I wasn’t smoking or drinking  and performed a few other not so pleasant procedures. […]


Today I go in for my first baby appointment!


Currently Listening The Perfect Storm: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack By James Horner see related


Hey, y’all should check this out – pretty convicting! God took all the stars in the universe and told them to get in order as He directed until He told them differently and they obeyed Him and continue to do so! God lined up the planets and told them to spin at specific speeds and […]


Currently Listening Tchaikovsky: 1812 Overture see related

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