
Well folks, I finished the baby quilt !
I originally had thoughts that it would be somewhat like my other quilt…

…but I guess it just became it’s own thing – less red I think

Anyhow, I took it over to the nursing home on my visit today
and had it duly admired by some of the ladies there. I really like
it and hopefully the baby will spare it from too many washings.
There also arrived a special package today – my rocking chair!!! It’s unfinished so I get to sand, stain and varnish it. Looks like I finished the one project just in time for the mext! Now all I need is a warm day outside….

2 responses to “17-Jan-2008”

  1. KeepingUpWithTheJoneses

    Let it snow…
  2. KeepingUpWithTheJoneses

    Let it snow…

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