
This post is for Katie:

Introducing: Kelsey!
Last night was another midwife appointment followed by a birthing class. I remembered to bring my camera and get a photo of my midwife. We had a hard time finding a good background, but I think she’s nicely framed

Kelsey is a student midwife from Kansas. She’s working on her internship at the birthing center and gave us a tour on our first visit. We felt welcomed by her warm personality, friendly smile and ready laugh. I believe she’s about my age and the oldest of a large family. She has an easy professional air coupled with confidence that encourages questions. She delights in our baby and laughs every time she goes to feel it as it squirms away from her hands. Brian and I both have confidence that she will handle the birth well and give us the best experience possible.

Now for Katie’s other request – a picture of my growing belly. It measured 3 inches bigger than two weeks ago – I think the little Tadpole is turning into a frog! It had the hiccups today and the lady I visit at the nursing home got to feel them. My weight is also creeping closer to Brian’s and I think I’ll beat him yet! So far I’ve gained 15 pounds! Only 8 weeks to go!

4 responses to “23-Jan-2008”

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