
I’ve not posted in quite a while but with good cause – I’ve had my attention on the dozen or so guests we’ve hosted in the last two weeks.

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First off some very good friends came by; Brandy, her two kids Reuben and Anna, and her sister Bekah. They spent a wonderful day and night with us talking, playing games and going to the park. We caught up on life, each others kids and rekindled a friendship that I’ve cherished for years.


The day after our first guests left I watched four kids for a few hours. We had a great time making play dough and making sure Lance didn’t eat any.

My sisters came for a whole weekend so Stacie could get Lasik eye surgery. We had so much fun that I didn’t even get any pictures! The highlight of the visit for Lance was going to Petsmart where he watched the fish, petted the dogs and laughed at the birds – what fun!


After a few days to get the house back in order, we welcomed our most recent guests – Brian’s sister Kim and her “friend” Rick. Kim was with us Thursday through Monday (when an impending ice storm hurried her home). Rick drove in from Arkansas on Friday and we spent the weekend getting to know him. My parents also showed up for a brief visit on Thursday on their way to a conference.

This weekend a friend of Brian’s will be coming and staying with us for a while.

We are so blessed to have the resources that allow us to do extensive entertaining for family and friends. If you’re ever in the area let us know – we’d love to have you over!

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