Trail of Tears

(or how I got a scholarship)


Many, many moons ago, white man come to Indian territory. Ug. He come with squaw. Him see land, it good.


White man build wigwam, say land his now. Him tell Indian, “no come back”. Ummm.


Braves fight. Ug. Many go to happy hunting ground. Squaw say wait, no more die.


Squaw go to big chief washington, cry heap big tears. Wahh. Big chief have wise plan:


Make tribe inside big tribe. Ummm. Indian live with white man.


White man keep land. Indian make heap big money. Friends now.


Editors note: Amy, Stacie and Lance are registered Potawatomi Indians and visited their tribal grounds in OK. Amy and Stacie received college scholarships from their tribal benefits. Indians were always good at survival.

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