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We spent most of last Saturday doing some projects around the house. First of all, we got dirt, plants and seeds to make our garden.  We had enough dirt to fill all seven buckets and planted red, yellow and green peppers, a tomato, cucumbers and some zinnias and sunflowers.  I was excited to find the […]

They can be taught!

They can be taught!

They say that more is caught than taught. Recently Lance has been proving that statement as he gives his version of “big people” activities. Lessons from Mommy: 1. Chores are more fun if you do them with a buddy. 2. Variety is the spice of life. Lessons from Daddy: 3. Real men do push-ups (daddy […]



My Mom stopped by last night on her way to visit my brother in Indianapolis. We decided to take advantage of her many years of experience taking family pictures in the bluebonnets. Mom hopes this post will inspire my siblings at home to get out and take some pictures while she’s gone 🙂 Here’s our […]

Sunday stroll

Sunday stroll

After enduring all of those walks mommy is so fond of taking, Lance finally gets in on the action. His exercise routine is one lap around the building. Of course, since the new toy is “convertible” he also enjoys a ride – the faster the better!



This is what gets me going in the morning 🙂

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