You are browsing the archive for 2009.

Visit with Family
This past weekend we traveled over to Brian’s parents for a visit – here are a few of the highlights: Lance had his 1 year old check up – he weighed in at 17 lbs. and had grown 3 inches! Lance’s new walking skills were shown off – at first he was reluctant to walk […]

Happy Birthday
One year ago today (or rather sometime late this evening) Lance came into the world. He came with a smile, ready to greet life. And today he is still the same – a smile for everyone he meets. Today we are visiting Brian’s family and of course that means a check-up with Grandpa “Doc”. Lance […]
Lance is turning 1 tomorrow so today I’m celebrating by changing out his 6 month clothes for the 9 month ones. Good thing for him it’s warm enough to wear shorts!

Good times
Just a few random pictures…. Lance had his first horse ride a few weeks ago, we walked around the yard while Lance hung on to the saddle horn. Mommy galloped around a bit after handing him back to Dad – what fun! On another day Lance had a little play time outside and is showing […]
Currently Captain Blood By Rafael Sabatini see related