You are browsing the archive for 2009.

Lance’s birthday isn’t for another week or so, but while we were down visiting my parents we had a little party for him. Mom was always the cake decorating guru as I grew up so it seemed like a great privilege to decorate my own son’s cake for the first time. Katie helped and came […]

For those of you who prefer some of the more traditional types of romance we had plenty of that too. First of all, a major road accident that rerouted the entire highway for miles (see this article) gave us an extra hour or better in the car to talk. 🙂 On our way into San […]

San Antonio Adventure
Last weekend Brian and I dropped Lance off at grandma’s house and headed to San Antonio for a romantic getaway… Bright and early Monday morning we packed a picnic lunch and hopped on our bikes for a 25 mile tour of the countryside to visit the five missions in the area. The Alamo is the […]

Stepping out
Lance has been working his way towards greater and greater mobility. First he figured out that some things can be pushed around – like chairs across a floor, or a stroller across the carpet. Of course, they only go so far before he runs into something and the ride is over. Sometime last week Brian […]