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Christmas is Coming!
As Lately we Watched, a Bleak Midwinter day changed to Let it Snow. Walking in a Winter Wonderland One Small Child got cold after a few pictures and lacking Chestnuts Roasting over an Open Fire, settled for a cup of “warm” chocolate before heading back out to see the Holly and the Ivy. All I […]
This is the box that I wanted. This is the friend that came from Dallas and brought me the box that I wanted. This is the neighbor that obtained the box and gave it to the friend that came from Dallas and brought me the box that I wanted. This is the maintenance man […]
Dallas Zoo
Yesterday was 1 dollar admission day at the Dallas Zoo so Ivy, Lance and I plus two neighbor boys decided to take a little field trip. The older boy was so excited that he woke up several times that morning starting at 3:30am afraid that he’d over slept. Meet Tyze (12) and Kel (6) […]
Ft. Worth Fun
My brother and his girl came a-vistin’… Aren’t they cute? My mom came along too – any excuse to see the grandkids 🙂 We took them to experience Texas in it’s truest sense…the Ft. Worth cattle drive (a bunch of Longhorn steers that walk tamely down the street). Lance showed us how to “ride ‘em […]
After avoiding our morning run two days in a row on the excuse that it was cold out, I suggested that we get Brian to work early on Wed. and he come home early for an afternoon run when it was warmer. Brian thought this was a good idea and commented that if he left […]