Twice the work?

Double the fun!!

I get a lot of comments from other people about how I must have my hands full or how these two kiddos must keep me busy. I’m not sure if they feel sorry for me or just feel obligated to make a comment (esp. after asking if they are twins). Maybe people with two small children just don’t get out much and so the general public isn’t exposed to “extreme” motherhood very often.

Whatever the reason, it seems that people are totally uneducated as to the benefits and joys of two little kids.


My kids double the car experience (good or bad 🙂 )


Double the playground fun


Double the playtime


Double the packing


Double the joy


Double sorrow


Double the photo ops

Double the laughs (watch Ivy carefully at the end – must have sound)

They love each other so much – Ivy watching everything Lance does and Lance desiring to be a part of Ivy’s life.


He loves to feed her


Share with her


And get caught with her (are you supposed to have that banana?)


While my hands might be full with these two kiddos, my heart is full too – I wouldn’t have it any other way.

One response to “Twice the work?”

  1. Ruth

    Amy, they’re adorable! I’m glad your heart is full. 🙂 Wish y’all lived closer! Would love to play with your two little ones more often! 🙂 I really like how you & Brian interact with them — keep up the good work!
    God bless!

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