Well readers, we are recently back from a week long trip up to PA in order to see my brother get hitched. Along the way we made a few stops – just to break up the drive 🙂
Wow, did that scare you? No, it’s not a picture of Brian in a moment of road rage, this fellow greets us at the Creation Museum – a refreshing look at history the way God wrote it.
Brian decides to join the crew building the ark…too bad we couldn’t stay for completion, they looked a few decades away from reaching their goal.
Not sure why this was here except to entertain the kids….and Brian.
The landscaping outside was beautiful! Fortunately a recent rain storm made the weather nice enough to go for a stroll in the gardens.
We found a waterfall we liked. Aren’t we cute….and happy….and, oh, where are the kids? That’s right, with Grandma! Now we understand the big smiles 😀
We traveled with Lori and Jonathan.
After reading so much about the flood it was nice to see a rainbow 🙂 We actually got to see the whole arch, I just couldn’t capture it on camera.
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