You are browsing the archive for 2010.

Saturday morning

Saturday morning

This post is made possible by my sister–in–law who inspired me  to try a new variation on eggs and because we were up early on a Saturday morning. Poached Eggs: A trial run. Me and my cooking buddy started out to try our hand at boiling eggs. First came a lesson on the difference between […]

The eyes have it

The eyes have it

Ivy has such big, expressive eyes and can use them quite to her advantage. Daddy seems most taken with them but she can work a quick charm on just about everyone she meets. She has been noted for her early and extensive vocabulary, but her eyes are quite eloquent as well. Curiosity   Hunger Relief […]

New park!

New park!

Along with several other recent improvements, our apartment complex added a new playground!   This is an exciting addition to our “fun things to do nearby” list. There’s a big and little slide, stuff to climb on and manipulate…. There is the perfect amount of swings…     And a really fun tire swing! However, the […]

Pumpkin Patch

Pumpkin Patch

Caution: Content of pictures is so adorable that the blogger had trouble deciding which to use and therefore included quite a few! This may cause slight disinterest in most viewers except grandparents.   We arrived at the pumpkin patch right as it opened and enjoyed some of the activities before the crowds came. Here Lance […]

Catching up

Catching up

Our internet has been on the blink for the past few weeks making it difficult to post anything. However, the kids haven’t stopped being cute in that time so I have some random entertainment for my faithful readers. At Steak and Shake – I had never been here before but was impressed with how well […]

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