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After the museum we stayed with some friends then took our time traveling to my brother’s house in order to spend an evening with him. Along the way we stopped at a state park to play disc golf and then lingered in the cool weather to enjoy a picnic lunch by the lake. This was […]

Well readers, we are recently back from a week long trip up to PA in order to see my brother get hitched. Along the way we made a few stops – just to break up the drive 🙂 Wow, did that scare you? No, it’s not a picture of Brian in a moment of road […]

Visit to the beach
Over the weekend we visited Brian’s sister, Rachel, who lives near Houston. As part of the visit we took the kids to the beach. Ivy takes her first steps into the water encouraged by Rachel. Lance was a little unsure about things but with Daddy’s help he braved the waves. Cousin Oliver tries […]

All in a days work
Apparently the kids deemed yesterday to be “clean up day” and for some reason I just happened to take pictures of everything. Ivy decides the only thing she likes at lunch is sour cream – unfortunately it’s rather messy to eat with your hands. Lance decided he didn’t like anything and while I was cleaning […]

Big day for Lance
Yesterday Lance had a few tests to check out a heart mummer he has had since birth. Brian took off early and came with us. We traveled up to North Dallas, figured out parking and made it on time to our appointment. The waiting room only had ‘boring’ magazines but the exam room had some […]