You are browsing the archive for 2011.



Happy Valentines Day!!! My little love bugs.   Cookies that Lance made and decorated all by himself. Consider yourself loved!



I’m going through pictures to pick the ones I want to print and found this one: This is me the day before I had Flora – you can’t even tell I’m pregnant!

Snow Day!!

Snow Day!!

I peeked out the door this morning to see what the forecast of snow had given us and was amazed by a quiet, beautiful snowscape. After about 20 min of bundling the kids and myself up in warm clothes we went out to enjoy the weather! (Flora stayed inside with Daddy for those of you […]

As I was saying…

As I was saying…

Lance: Hero material Brian asked for the salt and pepper at a meal. Always eager to do grown up things Lance asked for the pepper. When that had been sprinkled on his food he asked for the “white pepper” as well. Lance may not know how to count, but he arrives at the right answer: […]

Wintry weather

Wintry weather

Yesterday we had a cold front blow in with snow and ice. It’s 18 degrees as I type and our sliding glass door is frozen shut. Brrr!!! I spent most of yesterday baking in an effort to warm the house but later that afternoon I bundled up the kids to go and explore the ice. […]

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