Joy Dare

Giving Thanks a Thousand Times.

I’ve been taking a challenge to list 3 things I’m thankful for each day this year. Mostly I record these “gifts” from God in a journal, trying to follow each day’s theme as suggested here.

Today’s theme was to find the beautiful in the ugly and give thanks for that. The gifts I found were so much fun I just had to share them with you:


In my Bible study this morning, Paul reminded me of how God takes the ugly of my weakness and fills it with the beauty of His power. (2 Cor. 12 7-10)


Having probably bit off a bit more than I needed to chew for one day, I stood in the ugliness of dishes, trying to process a quadruple batch of bread. Yet I was also looking at the beauty of what my little kitchen could produce! (6 loaves of bread, 4 dozen rolls, hamburger buns, 2 dozen cinnamon rolls)


And finally, the ugly mess of toys my kids created while playing together beautifully as I worked.

Thank you Lord for allowing me eyes to see your goodness.


7 responses to “Joy Dare”

  1. Amy

    I love the kitchen photo as well as the toys. My philosophy – nothing says LOVE more than a kitchen full of good baking and smiling kids!! Thanks for sharing

  2. Anne

    Great post, Amy!! I’ve read over half her book and I really like it.

  3. Lori

    I bit off more than I could chew in the kitchen too. In fact, there still is a little that needs to be done, and a few dishes in the sink. Jenny was very cooperative while I was doing it though.

  4. Alicia Jones

    Yummy! Looks like my kitchen today. 🙂

  5. Linda

    I LOVE these pics Amy – brought back so many memories for me – there were so many days when my home looked just like that and I would wish for a clean house with no toys – but now that my kids are older, I often wish for those little toy days – look at that look of happiness on his face! SO cute – you are really blessed and the fact that you can see the beauty in it really truly means you’re blessed!!!! thank you so much for sharing !

  6. Jack Paslay

    Wish my kitchen looked like that with all those fresh bakery items and cute kids to enjoy them with.

  7. Barbara Cahill

    Gampy passed the book ‘one thousand gifts onto me’ and I started writing my gifts down last week! What a Blessing this book is! Thank you for sharing! I will pass it on!

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