Camp Grammy – continued

The Activities:


Climbed up ladders to be like a tall giraffe…


…and picked leaves to “eat”


Climbed in a tree like a monkey


And made monkey faces.


If things weren’t wild enough, we invited half a dozen kids over one day so their mom could rest with her new baby.

The Art:


Finger print spots on the giraffe


Marbles rolled through black paint to make stripes on the tigers and zebras.


Macaroni mane for the lion.


Stickers to make a safari scene.

The Project:

We purchased a set of safari animals to play with. Throughout the week we worked on a playscape for the animals.


My Dad spent quite a bit of time securing several cans to the board to act as caves. All we did was ask if he thought caulk would make them stick and he took over, giving an indestructible quality to the project.


We then used a spray foam to cover the caves and form the base of the mountain. Next, a layer of paper mache pulp was used to add texture and form a lake.


It took a long time to dry.IMG_9165 

When all but the mountain was dry, the board was given a primer coat of paint and then spray painted. Rocks, trees and other foliage were added.


The finished board was quite popular!


Close up of cave and animals.

The End:


When the week was over, we reluctantly returned home, bringing all our souvenirs with us. We hung up all our pictures to remind us of all our adventures on the Safari!!

Thanks Grammy!!!

4 responses to “Camp Grammy – continued”

  1. Lori

    It was fun having Jenny be able to do some of the crafts this time.

  2. Lori

    And decorating the boards together was fun (if tiring).

  3. Anne

    Fun week! Your display at home looks great!! DId you give some giraffe pictures to your friend?

  4. Stacie

    Amy, it was great having you over! I am going to keep all of your posts as ideas for when our little ones get old enough.

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