June 2013

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My little helpers.

My little helpers.

We recently made a few changes and set up a schedule of sorts which has the kids helping me with chores instead of me trying to do them all. It started a bit slow at first, but after a week I had four little buddies at my side; not only through breakfast clean up and […]

Busy Bees

Busy Bees

Did a small unit on bees one day this week. First we read Magic School Bus and the beehive. Quite full of information and it really sparked Lance’s mind. Then we made bee balloons and danced to flight of the bumblebee. After all that exercise the bees rested while watching winnie the pooh on Youtube. […]



Not quite a week ago I had a chance to re-live some of the “best of times” and share new memories with my spirited adventurer, Ivy. I was invited to speak at STEP – a girl’s summer adventure camp I attended and staffed for 5 years. We drove up as a family and spent the […]

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