
2016 – A kids eye view

2016 – A kids eye view

Hi I’m Lance (8). I like playing with Legos. I started earning money this year. I wash dishes, do laundry and pull weeds to earn money. I bought a carving set with my money. I am learning words this year. I like collecting things and got a drawer carrier to organize my collections in for […]

Old fashioned celebration

Old fashioned celebration

Flora is on the brink of changing years – from 5 to 6! We’ve been reading some American Girls books and doing period crafts and cooking for our co-op this year. The first books were on Kirsten, a Swedish immigrant in pioneer America. The stories were a favorite not only with our children but their […]



We got our yearly apple order in October and then followed our tradition of making applesauce! I set aside a day just for this project, hoping to get it all done with only one mess. Due to various issues we didn’t actually get started until about 10:00am so I mentally prepped myself to still be […]

Family Fun Night

Family Fun Night

The kids and I prepared a baseball themed evening to share with Dad! We started with ball park food – nachos and hot dogs..and corn (because that’s our most recent garden harvest and we needed to eat it). And yes, all of my kids eat a plain dog with no bun. Next up was a […]

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!

Skye Kristine is 1 year old today! Skye is a happy, content little baby – a joy to have around! Even though it seems she might be lost in the hubbub, being part of a big family is a bonus for this little one. The older kids love her and dote on her, gathering  around […]

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