Gingerbread houses
A post-Christmas blog about a pre-Christmas activity. Please forgive me for being out of season. The week before Christmas we invited some friends over to make ‘gingerbread’ houses out of graham crackers and, of course, candy! The icing turned out perfect so the houses mostly stood under the strain of decoration. Lance took to the […]
Getting ready for Christmas!
December holds a lot of potential for fun. It has been a real treat watching the kids participate in and enjoy the festivities. We’ve also enjoyed spending time with family and as a family. Here’s just a sampling of what has led up to today – Christmas Eve…. Winter dresses made by Aunt Katie. Painting […]
Thanksgiving week
The kids and I spent a whole week at my parents over the Thanksgiving holidays. Here are some of the fun things we did! Making pilgrim hats out of marshmallows and chocolate – think the kids have had enough sugar? Crafting toilet paper roll pilgrims. A task that requires many older helpers. Our little Thanksgiving […]
A Gift
Have you ever heard the saying, ‘God does not give dying grace on an undying day’? Yesterday gave me a small glimpse of that principle in action. No, nobody died or anything but the day did contain an amazing amount of stressors: fights, kid falling out of a shopping cart, hungry whining kids in the […]
Happy Birthday Flora!
My blonde, sweet baby who loves animals, and soft things. (Christmas dress made by Aunt Katie) We celebrated a double party with cousin Jenny who likes puppies – hence the dog in the above photo. The girls were thrilled with their cakes the day before the party. Flora almost snagged an early sample during the […]