
Bible Time

Bible Time

Here’s a rundown on a few weeks of activities we did on Bible stories. Daniel and the Lion’s Den: Made crowns and played “King Darius says” to be like a king issuing decrees for other to follow. We started a chore chart because it was like the laws that a king could make.   Scary […]

Kid update

Kid update

Lance: Imaginative, contagious laugh, loves to wrestle, striving to be a part of the big people world. Can sing whole songs, quote movies (Bambi is his favorite!), string events (i.e. we eat, take bath, go to sleep, wake up and go _____ ), thinks he can tell time, can count to three or five depending […]

Movie night 2

When I don’t have time to post as much, events start piling up. So here are a few fun movies to catch up on the kids.   This is from about a month ago. Flora was still learning to walk and loved pushing things around. Lance has his own ideas of fun…. Here’s a new […]

Pumpkin patch

Pumpkin patch

What do you do at a pumpkin patch? Take pictures of course! At least, that’s what was on MY agenda. Apparently the kids had other ideas of fun. This picture I snapped early on was far and away the best expression I got out of all three of them. I should have quit while I […]

Bunk Bed

Bunk Bed

This weekend we decided to tackle a carpentry project – building a new bed for the kids. To economize on space we wanted a bunk bed but the kids are so small, the normal twin size bed seemed like overkill. However, a bunk the size of a toddler bed is hard to come by, so […]

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