
Growing up!

Growing up!

    The kids are growing up fast! It’s fun to watch them learn and develop new skills right before my eyes. They have such determination and work hard for mastery, flashing joyful smiles when they accomplish their goal. Flora has learned how to pull to a stand which adds a new dimension of fun to […]

Apple a Day

Apple a Day

Last week was Jonny Appleseed – a name the kids enjoyed saying.   We (mommy) peeled and cut up a bunch of apples to make applesauce. The kids put the pieces in the pot for me. Lance tried his hand at a peeler but couldn’t get the hang of it. After cooking, we blended them […]



Our last unit study was actually about three weeks ago. Many things happened between then and now, but thank the Lord (and my parents who gave me my camera) I have captured memories and can relive the fun with my reading audience. We read about snakes and engaged our whole bodies in an imaginative effort […]

Catch up

Catch up

I know it’s been much too long since my last post – I actually have several things to post about but thought I would do a general “see how the kids have grown!” kind of post first. In the pool: Flora loves using her floatie in the baby pool. The shallow water allows her to […]

Ivy turns 2

Ivy turns 2

Ivy loves ladybugs so I used that as the theme for the party. We celebrated over the weekend at Brian’s parents. I made t-shirt dresses for the girls – they were really easy and turned out super cute! The cake! (Compliments to Benj. for the superb photography!) Ivy was very excited about the cake and […]

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