Pirate Camp!
Ahoy Matey! We’re about to set sail for adventure, wanna come along? A word of warning, this will be no pleasure voyage, but if ye weather through, ye might be finding some treasure at the end! Still want to sign on? Har! Come aboard then. Get rid of those land lubberly clothes and deck yourself […]
Movie night!
Had several home videos I thought it would be fun to share, so grab some pizza, pull up a chair and enjoy! Pirate lingo learned this week. Lance tries to encourage a less than cooperative baby Flora to eat. Flora goes for the toys! Today she was in the play room and we all moved […]
Scary Dinosaurs!!!
An Easter Egg kit in the sale bin inspired the theme for last week. We joined with some friends and made dinosaur eggs! That night we ate them along with dino shaped pancakes (hey, pancakes were a hit last time, thought we should try it again!) One day we watched a dinosaur movie. Trouble was, […]
Whale week!
Unpacking after a trip to my Mom’s I found the kids had smuggled a few books into their suitcase. One of these became the inspiration for the activities for this week – Whales! We also used this as an opportunity to read Jonah and the whale – their all time favorite Bible story. Monday we […]
Camp Grammy – Reviewed
Monday morning dawned warm and pleasant as a young mother in “big city” Texas loaded her sleepy young children into the car. Suitcases had been packed and stowed the night before in anticipation of the trip. Tousled blonde heads leaned against the car seats and tried to figure out the change in routine – why […]