
Thoughts on games….

Horseshoes is a game of endurance more than anything else. Winning boils down to whoever’s arm can hold out the longest. With the winning score set at 21 men hold a great advantage over women – had the ending score been set lower the sport would make all sexes equal (that along with making the […]

Cahill Caller Times

Upon popular request, the Cahill Caller Times has published a special report regarding recent activities. Invasion leaves Kitchen in Shambles (photo unavailable) Local residence pronounced disaster zone after entire contents of the kitchen was moved into the dining area in preparation for pest control spray.  Housewife moans “why do I keep my pantry so well […]


So, we’re on vacation at Brian’s parents. Just to make sure we have a nice profitable weekend…. Friday morning I woke up at 5:30 and walked four miles with Mom… Friday evening we went on a five mile bike ride…. Then we went swimming…. But all that was only warm up for today! We recruited […]

New Toy

New Toy

The other day, Brian put together a new entertainment center for Lance! Since Lance loves to stand up and loves to have his hands free to bang things, this seemed like the perfect time to introduce the walker. He loves it! Unfortunately, Lance has short legs. So we used a book to give him a […]

The grass is greener….

The grass is greener….

Despite temperatures over 100 in the afternoons, mornings here in Dallas have been quite pleasant this past week. I’ve taken Lance out to enjoy the weather a few times recently in hopes of nurturing a love for the outdoors 🙂 Lance wasn’t real thrilled with the texture of grass – though I have to admit […]

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